- Supply Chain Management - translation,
- The Main Aspects of Consumer Behaviour and Satisfaction in Catering translation,
- Cognitive Abilities in Child Football in View of Selection - fordítás,
- Abstract: Rule-Making Processes in Rail Transport - fordítás,
- Marketing in Catering, fordítás, lektorálás,
- Coherence between Horizontal and Vertical Curves and the Number of the Accidents - fordítás,
- The History of Music - the History of Violin Making - translation,
- On the Bi-and Uni-lateral Trade Effects of EMU Membership - Working Paper Series of Drexel University - translation,
- Residential Parks as the Problem of Urban Design in the 21st Century - proofreading, preparation for the protection of the DLA,
- Andras Sántha's collection of logos and brand design,
- Libretto for a Picture Book - proofreading,
- Article entitled 'The New Generation of Football Stadiums' (published in the paper-based edition of SB Magazine), proofreading.
- We have translated much more - strictly confidential - texts for companies and private persons as well.
Our successful clients:
- Robert Morvai
- Private person
- Eda-Press
- Dr. Laszlo Szabo
- Private person
- Dr. Tibor Sipos
- Private persons
- Ildikó Berki
- Peter Csizmadi
- RÉM Kreatív Csoport Kft.,
- Levente Kovács
- Bord Architectural Studio Kft.